One of the things that I hear the most from people when I say that Jesus is the only way to heaven is: "What about those who never hear about Jesus?" The implication is that those who never hear the gospel or never hear about the person of Christ are excused from God's condemnation. After all how could a fair and loving God condemn people who never had a chance to believe, because they never had the opportunity to hear? This is a very legitimate question that deserves a very clear and legitimate answer, and here it is in Romans 1:18-20.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
What this passage tells us is that God is angry with men and women who have suppressed the knowledge of Him that they already have. It is not a matter of what they haven't heard, but what they have already seen. Paul says that when people look at God's creation, that is the visible world, they are able to clearly see two attributes of God.
The first is God's "eternal power". This means that they can see that there is a Creator who is much more powerful than any mere mortal, who has created all that we see around us. Yes, I know that many people say they look at this world and see a natural, evolutionary process at work, not an all-powerful God. But according to this scripture, they are lying. Deep in their hearts they know that this world could not have just happened by chance. They are in fact "suppressing the truth".
This is also the case with the second attribute clearly seen in creation: God's "divine nature". People can see through God's creation that the Creator is not like you and me. He must be quite different. He is divine. He is God. His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). If man had created this world we would have done many things quite differently. We could never have dreamed up the multitude of different species or the incredible colors and designs. Anyone who looks at this world, even just a single living cell, and can't admit there is an intelligent designer, is not being honest. He or she is suppressing the truth. This reveals a conscious desire to not honor God as God or give thanks to Him for all he has done (v. 21). This suppression of truth leads people to then worship either creation or people, rather than the Creator (vs. 22-25) which is exactly where a lot of people are today.
The bottom line is that because of the willful suppression of the truth seen in creation, Paul says "they are without excuse".
The famous atheist Bertrand Russell when asked what he will say to God to explain his unbelief said, "Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence." However, this scripture clearly states that enough evidence to believe that God exists has been given to all of us. God is not going to accept any excuses for not believing in His existence.
Now someone could say at this point, "but that is still not addressing the issue of Jesus!" True, just because someone believes in God does not mean he or she believes in Christ. This is a separate and essential issue (see John 14:1). But here is the connection. Those who look at creation and recognize that there is a God, and ask Him to reveal more of who He is and what He expects of them, are rewarded with more revelation (see Jeremiah 29:13). Those who reject what truth they have been given, are not given more and will be justly condemned for suppressing the truth.
But the reality is that everyone in this age is being given the opportunity to hear about Jesus. That is the subject of my next post. Stay tuned!
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