Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Looking for Loopholes? - Romans 8:31-39

Just before the famous comedian W.C. Fields died, He was in the hospital and someone walked into his room as he was reading the Bible. Apparently W.C. wasn't known for his interest in spiritual things and the person asked him what he was doing reading the Bible. He reportedly said, "looking for loopholes, my friend, looking for loopholes."

Some people approach Romans 8:31-39 in the same way. Over the years people have told me that Paul isn't really saying that nothing can "separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Most things can't separate us they say, but a few things can, like ourselves. I've had people tell me that what isn't mentioned in this passage is that we as Christians can decide to separate ourselves from God if we really want to.

The first problem with looking for loopholes in this passage is that Paul is clearly attempting to eliminate all possible loopholes. He points out that if God is for us and gave His Son for us, why would He ever turn against us (v. 31-32). Then Paul addresses our enemy, Satan, and states that no one can successfully bring a charge against God's elect because God has already justified us (see also v. 30), and Christ is interceding for us (vs. 33-34).

In Paul's big finish he brings up every possible situation that could separate us from the love of Christ, including us! I say that because we are 'created things' and Paul says no created thing can separate us from the love of God (vs. 35-39).

The point of this passage is that there are no loopholes or exceptions. Once we have trusted Christ as our Savior, we are locked into His love. All I can say is, "Thank you, Jesus!"


  1. I am thankful that not even I can get in the way of God's plan for me.
