Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lessons From John 11: Part One

Right now the hearts and minds and prayers of my extended family are focused on my youngest brother, Graham. He is apparently in the last stages of his fight with cancer. I say apparently because just a little over a week ago he felt well enough to come to America from Australia for an extended visit. Very suddenly he took a turn for the worse and now we are being told that he will not live more than a few days to a few weeks. I am still praying for the miracle that I have prayed for from the beginning of this ordeal. I know that God can say the word and Graham would completely healed. Along with that prayer, I am also asking God to spare him at least until my parents and brother can arrive in Australia tomorrow. Some may see this as a lack of faith on my part, but I don't see it that way. I believe very strongly that God still heals people today. But I also believe just as strongly that God has a perfect plan for each of our lives that will ultimately benefit us and glorify Himself. How our ultimate benefit fits together with God's glory is often difficult for us to understand and accept, but God is able to weave both together in supernatural fashion.

I have heard people say that Jesus healed everyone he met who needed healing. I don't believe you can prove that from scripture. I know of at least one occasion when He definitely did not. When Jesus heard that his very good friend Lazarus was extremely ill, He said;

This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it" (John 11:4).

The bottomline is that Jesus allowed Lazarus to die so that He could come along in a few days and raise him from the dead. There is no doubt as one reads John chapter eleven that the disciples, along with Mary and Martha, had difficulty understanding why Jesus did not heal Lazarus. They all knew that He could. They all knew that Jesus loved Lazarus very much.They put these two truths together and assumed that Jesus would heal him, but He didn't. And when Jesus didn't, it was very disturbing for all involved.

The answer to why Jesus did not heal Lazarus is, first of all, that in every situation of our lives, God seeks to glorify Himself. His glory is the most important thing in this universe. Nothing is greater than that. And not only that, but God is always doing what will ultimately, in the end, glorify Himself the most. Healing Lazarus would have no doubt brought glory to God, but raising him from the dead brought even greater glory to God.

In addition to bringing glory to Himself, God is, at the very same time doing what is ultimately best for us. It may not appear in our best interests at the time, and that is why we struggle with it, but God, because He is God, is able to accomplish both. By not healing Lazarus, and then raising him from the dead, Jesus brought the greatest glory to God, and He also increased the faith of the disciples and Lazarus' sisters. Lazarus suffered for a little while, but then had the opportunity to live again.

I know that God can heal the sick, and even raise the dead. I know that God loves my brother infinitely more than I do. In my mind and heart, this adds up to God healing my brother, even now. But I have to understand and accept that God is going to do what glorifies Himself the most and what is ultimately best for Graham.

If Graham dies in the next few days or weeks, it will be one of the saddest situations for our family and his church family that I can imagine. Only God will be able to sustain us in our grief. But I have no doubt that God will bring incredible glory to Himself, and Graham will live again, only better. May your will be done, O Lord, and give us the grace to accept it!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Reminder from My Brother to Run the Race with Endurance - Hebrews 12:1

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

 As every old year comes to a close and the new year begins I go back to this scripture again and again. As 2010 is winding down and 2011 is about to start up, I am once again pondering the message of Hebrews 12:1. But this time something else is prompting me to take a fresh look.

As I write this, my beloved brother, Graham, is fighting an insidious disease in a hospital in Australia. I don't know how much longer he will be with us. At age fifty he is far too young to be struggling for life. Just a year ago he seemed to be the picture of health. Even a few short months ago, when I last saw him, he was convinced, and so was I, that he would prevail at least for a while in the battle against cancer. Now that is very much in doubt.

As I was seeking the Lord in this matter today, I am not in this moment angry about how unfair this seems for his church and his still young family. Nor am I yet grieving our loss of him as I am still holding out hope that he will rally against this terrible foe and stay with us a while longer. But what I recognize afresh today is that the Christian life is a long distance race that can be over at any time.

The race we are in is not a sprint. The writer of Hebrews says we should "run with endurance". It is much more like a marathon. It can be extremely long like my grandmother's race which went on for over one hundred years. But the difference is that with a marathon we know that the race will be over in a little over twenty-six miles. No matter how grueling, we can pace ourselves in a marathon. We know where the finish line is. In this life, we don't know. Graham's good friend, Sandy Ford, ran over the finish line in his early twenties. This is why we must fix our eyes on Jesus and run as hard as we can for as long as we can. Using a different but related metaphor Jesus said, "we must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day, night is coming, when no man can work." (John 9:3).

My brother Graham has certainly run the race hard. He has been busy with ministry in a number of places around the world, in addition to his labor of love at Subiaco Church in Perth, Australia. Many times I have marveled at his endurance and wondered how and why he keeps going so hard. Maybe he knew something we did not. For sure God knows what His earthly plan is for Graham, and when it will end.

I still pray daily that Graham's race will continue for a season. But regardless, I have been reminded that the race, though long, can be over very quickly. So we need to be about our Father's business. We shouldn't be in a frenzy. There is no reason to panic. God is still on the throne of the universe. But everyday we need to run the race as if today the race will be over. We never know when we will see the finish line.

The writer of Hebrews tells us that we must not "grow weary and lose heart" (Hebrews 12:3). Though greatly fatigued, Graham has never given up. Thanks, Graham, for your example! Your older brother is one of your many witnesses! Keep running with endurance the race that is set before you! We love you very much!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why Shepherds? Why Me? Luke 2:8-14

On this Christmas Day I am reflecting on why God chose to reveal the identity of His Son to a bunch of shepherds? (See Luke 2:8-10 for the entire account)

As scholars like Leon Morris have pointed out, shepherds were widely perceived as thieves, helping themselves to whatever they needed, whenever they wanted. They were also considered ceremonially unclean because of their profession which kept them away from performing the expected spiritual duties. Only tanners who handled dung and worked with animal skins were lower on the occupational totem pole. Most telling is that the testimony of the shepherds in legal courts was deemed inadmissible or unreliable. In short, while shepherds are viewed favorably and with great sentiment today, at the time of Christ's birth their reputation made them the most unlikely recipients of this divine announcement.

But God did send His angels to shepherds to announce the birth of His Son. He did graciously chose them to testify about the identity of the newborn King. He did allow them to be privy to one of the most important events in the history of this world. Why?

The answer is simply 'grace'. As Paul says in I Corinthians 1:26-29.

"For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, that He might nullify the things that are, that no man should boast before God."

The truth is that just as the shepherds were unworthy and undeserving of their great privilege, so are you and so am I. We did not deserve God's revelation to us about His Son. But He chose you and me in His grace. This truth on Christmas Day is both humbling and a cause for great rejoicing! Thank you Father for Your Son! And thank you for choosing us to know Him!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bearing One Another's Burdens - Galatians 6:2

The Christmas season is a wonderful time as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. For a lot of people Christmas lightens their load and brightens up their life. Children especially love Christmas for all the gifts, unusual foods and love ones coming together (plus no school). Many adults love Christmas as well for a number of reasons and look forward to it each year. But for some people, including some Christians, Christmas brings added pressures to buy expensive gifts, see people they would rather not be around, and it can bring back painful memories from the past. In short, Christmas which is and should be wonderful, can be a burden to people.

Now I am not saying that Christmas itself is the problem! If not, what is? As people enter into the Christmas season they bring their problems and concerns with them. Life is difficult these days, and life goes on, even at Christmas time. Some people are still unemployed. Some have serious illnesses. Others have relational issues, and a lot of people are struggling to stay afloat financially even if they do have a job.

The bottom line is that even though Christmas should be an encouraging time of the year, because of the burdens that people bring into it, it can be especially difficult as they realize the gap between their dreams and their reality.

What can and should we as Christians do to help one another? Paul says that we should "bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ."

The word "burden" here refers to any problem or issue that is too heavy for one person to reasonably carry. Some things in life are so horrific or so weighty that we need someone else to help us carry them.

Sometimes we need someone to talk with about painful memories so they can share our grief and heartache. Sometimes we need someone to help us out financially, especially at Christmas when there are greater expectations and expenses. Sometimes we need someone to help us out with things around our house when we are physically ill. A burden can come along in many different forms and require creative ways to help carry it.

The point is that we as Christians have been commanded by our Lord to "love one another" (see John 13:34), and we fulfill that "law" as we help each other carry those things that are simply too heavy for one person.

Now having said that, in the same context there is a command for "each one [to] bear his own load" (Galatians 6:5). This "load" refers specifically to the pack that each Roman soldier was expected to carry each day. There was a certain amount of equipment that every soldier had to carry whether he felt like it or not. In a similar way, God expects us to carry a certain amount of responsibility each day. We all have daily responsibilities for relationships, work, service to God, etc., and the Lord expects us to carry this load each day without help or complaint. The problem is discerning when a "load" becomes a "burden".

This is something that requires prayer and searching the Scriptures. We should not ask others for help with our load, nor should we help them with their load. But when we discern that someone truly has a burden, God calls on us to help in whatever way we can.

This Christmas season, we need to be alert to those with burdens so that God can use us to be a blessing to others for Christ's sake. This is the best present we can give to our Lord on His birthday.At the same, we need to be discerning, because we are not obeying God's Word, or doing anyone a favor if we carry the load God has given to them.

May God help us to know the difference, and to make a difference in someone's life this Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forgive...How Many Times? Matthew 18:21-22

In this Christmas season there is a lot of talk about "peace", "goodwill towards men", "just be nice", etc. The problem with all these good intentions is that they tend to run head long into the reality of being in close quarters with other people. During the holidays we are usually with friends and people we love, but inevitably someone is going to say or do something that hurts us, perhaps deeply. How should we respond?

In Matthew 18:21-22, Peter comes to our Lord and says to Him,

Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, 'I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.'"

Now we have to understand that Peter is trying to be generous. The rabbis in that day taught that people should forgive someone at least three times. Peter doubled that and added one more for good measure. I think he thought that Jesus would agree with him, or at least commend him, but instead, Jesus says we should forgive "seventy times seven", which is four hundred and ninety times.

Again, we have to understand that in Christ's day this idiom meant an infinite number of times. Jesus is teaching us that our forgiveness of others should never stop or have a number on it. Because of what Christ has done for us and how much we have been forgiven by God, we have no right to ever say "I won't forgive you" (see Ephesians 4:32).

Having said that, unlimited forgiveness does not mean that we can't confront people who are hurting us. We can and should let them know that what they have done has wounded or offended us. They may not realize what they have done, and if lovingly confronted, hopefully they will address it. But especially if it is deliberate and intentional, we need to confront the person and tell them how his or her actions and/or words have negatively affected us.But once we have addressed the person, forgiveness needs to be applied.

Forgiveness is not forgetting. It is not necessarily trusting someone again. Nor does it mean that two people will be close. Forgiveness is a choice with God's supernatural help to not hold the offense against another any longer. It is choosing to bear the consequences of another's words or actions without seeking revenge or hanging on to negative feelings about another. Obviously, one would hope that the offender would ask forgiveness or attempt to change or make things right. If he or she does, we should forgive them (see Luke 17:3-4). But even if they don't admit to or change anything, we should forgive them because this is the example Jesus gave us when He said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). Beyond that, practically-speaking, unforgiveness is a cancer that left unchecked will eat away at your soul.

The point is, we need to ask the Lord to help us to forgive. It is a supernatural act. We can't do it on our own. And if there is any time better than another, Christmas has to be one of those times. Have a blessed and forgiving Christmas season!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another Crucial Passage on the Security of the Believer - Ephesians 1:13-14

Not long ago I wrote a post on I Thessalonians 5:24 which, in my opinion, is one of the most important, but overlooked verses about the security of the believer. Ephesians 1:13-14 is not overlooked, but it is often disputed by those who claim we can lose our salvation. However, there is very little to argue about here. Paul says,

In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth,
the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were sealed in Him with
the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance,
with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory.

First of all, it is clear that the sealing of the Spirit happens at the same time we believe in Christ as our Savior. The verb "having also believed" gives the time frame for the main verb, "you were sealed". One cannot say that some Christians are sealed with the Spirit and some are not, nor can anyone rightly argue that the sealing of the Spirit is a later work of the Spirit sometime after salvation for those who are more godly and seek a "second blessing" or something like that. The point is that all believers are sealed with the Spirit at the time that they put their trust in Christ as Savior. There are no exceptions.

Then there is the issue of the sealing itself. This term refers to the ancient practice of putting a wax seal on something like a letter, for instance, to prevent it from being tampered with. This indicates that when God seals us with His Spirit we cannot be successfully tampered with by any enemy agents. Those who dispute this passage as addressing the security of believers like to play games like saying that the sealing of the Spirit simply indicates God's "ownership" of us as Christians. Hello, like God's "ownership" does not have anything to do with the security of the believer! Even if the sealing is just about God's ownership of believers. That is a very strong statement about our security. But in the immediate context, it gets stronger.

Paul says that God's Spirit has been given to us as the "earnest" of our future inheritance and redemption. The King James Version is the best translation of this word. "Deposit" just doesn't cut it. Even "down payment" and "pledge" are too weak. The best translation, in my opinion, is "earnest" because this refers to the first payment being made in a particular transaction to guarantee that the final payment will also be made. Earnest money guarantees that the process that has been started will be brought to completion. No ifs, ands or buts about it!

The bottom line is that this passage simply cannot be dismissed or explained away. It is 100% clear about the security of the believer. One can legitimately dispute whether a particular person ever really had the Spirit in their life. But anyone who has the Spirit, and all real believers do (see Romans 8:9), is going to receive the inheritance and redemption that God has promised. Nothing can be more certain!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spiritual Amnesia - II Peter 1:9

"For he who lacks these is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins." II Peter 1:9

In this verse Peter tells us why we as Christians are not growing spiritually and why we fall into sin temporarily (see my book Why Christains Sin for why some continue to sin willfully). My phrase for this condition is "spiritual amnesia". We become spiritually "blind" or "short-sighted" because we forget how God through Christ has wonderfully purified us from our former sins.

This is why we must regularly think back to the days B.C. (before Christ) not to dwell there, but to remember our prior situation and what God has done for us since. As we recall how we were living and what God has delivered us from, we will be more motivated to do what is right.

But it is not enough to just remember how bad off we were, and how God graciously saved us. We need to consistently remind ourselves of who we are now in Christ. As Peter says, "...brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you..." (I Peter 1:10). The problem is that a lot of Christians don't even know who they are in Christ, let alone take the time to ponder their identity, and until we are convinced about who we are in Christ, we cannot mature spiritually and live as we ought to live. But having said that, we still have to take the time regularly to remind ourselves; "I am a new creation" (II Cor. 5:17), "I am a saint" (I Cor. 1:2), and "I am a coheir with Christ" (Rom. 8:17). Which brings me to something else we need to remember.

We are assured of eternal life if we are trusting in Christ as our Savior (see I John 5:12 for instance). But the commendation of Christ and other heavenly or millennial rewards are contingent on our faithfulness and fruitfulness (I Cor. 9:24). In order to avoid sin and do what is right, we need to remind ourselves that we will lose our rewards, and most importantly, the "well done faithful servant" from our Lord if we don't live as He instructed us.

One more case of "spiritual amnesia" that often infects us is forgetting that God will discipline us if we continue in sin. Hebrews 12:6 says, "whom the Lord loves He disciplines." The word "scourges" right after this lets us know that this is not just a slap on the wrist either. A lot of Christians assume that just because God is gracious He will continue to be indefinitely. That is a huge mistake. We dare not presume on His grace!

Bottom-line, we stop growing and fall into sin when we develop "spiritual amnesia" about our purification from sin, our identity in Christ, the danger of losing our rewards and the reality of God's temporal discipline.

As Peter says, "I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder...[so] that at any time after my departure you may be able to call these things to mind." (II Peter 1:13, 15)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Are people who never heard about Jesus excused? Part II - John 16:8-11

In my last post I explained from Romans 1:18-20 why people from the beginning of this world are without excuse for not believing in God. Now I want to explain why everyone from the coming of the Holy Spirit receives at least one opportunity to hear about Jesus. I know that a lot of people today, including many Christians, think that there are billions of people who have never heard and will never hear about Jesus, but listen to what Jesus says. In John 16:8-11, Christ tells His disciples in the upper room, speaking of the Holy Spirit,

And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you no longer behold Me, and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged."

Several years ago I realized as I was studying this passage that Jesus was telling His disciples that when the Holy Spirit comes He will convict the world of three things and this meant that everyone in the world will receive this convicting message. I realize that one can argue that not every single person gets this message, but there is absolutely nothing in this context or in the words used that indicates a limitation. If we take Christ's words with their plain, straight-forward meaning in the context, Jesus is indicating that at some point every single person in the world gets a visit from the Holy Spirit and He conveys to them three truths.

First, that he or she is a sinner. The Holy Spirit will 'convict', that is, put this truth in such a way that it is clearly understood by the hearer and that person can either accept it or reject it.

Second, the Spirit will convict that person that he or she needs the righteousness of Christ in order to be forgiven or delivered from their sins.

Third, the Holy Spirit will convict the individual about the truth that just as Satan was judged at the cross, judgment is coming for everyone who does not believe in Christ (see v. 9 again).

Now often the Holy Spirit speaks to people through a preacher, a missionary, an evangelist, a radio or television program, a tract, or a written portion of God's Word, the Bible. But the truth is that the Holy Spirit is not limited to these means. He can speak to people however He desires. In some cases He uses dreams, especially in places like the Middle East where it is difficult for people to go and share the truth, and where dreams are viewed as reliable means of revelation.

Over the past twenty years I have received many validated reports of people in remote places having dreams where they see Jesus or a "holy man" telling them exactly what Jesus says here in John 16:9-11. There are reports of thousands of conversions as a result. Some Christians may not take this seriously, but I believe this is happening based largely on what Christ says in this passage.

An interesting example of this comes from the life of Jean Paul Sarte, the French philosopher and writer. He tells of a time when He felt the presence of God, and presumably the Spirit speaking to him, when he was still a boy. But he rejected the message because as he put it, he wanted nothing to do with a God who would intrude on a child at play.

The point is, no one from the time of the Holy Spirit's coming will be able to say, "I never heard the truth about Jesus." The Holy Spirit makes sure that everyone gets at least one opportunity to hear the truth in their lifetime. They may reject it, and may never receive any more help or truth from God. But if they respond to what light they are given, God will see that they receive more.

Here is a true story written up in Moody Monthly years ago. A Jewish girl was living in a kubbutz in Israel, working in the communal field every day. One day she looked around and as she surveyed the beauty of God's creation she looked up and said, "God, I know you exist, please tell me what you expect of me." The next day a foreign visitor showed up. It was a young Christian that told her about Jesus Christ. She realized that this message was God answering her inquiry and she trusted in Christ and was born again.

This type of situation may sound unusual to some, but God is doing this all over the world every day through His Spirit as predicted by our Lord in John 16:8-11.

No one will be able to say on judgment day, "God, I never heard!" He will be able to tell them the day and time they received their visitation. There will be no excuses.

Now this truth in no way lessens our responsibility as Christians is to be available for the Spirit to use us as witnesses for Christ (see Acts 1:8 if in doubt). It simply means that this spiritual assignment is going to get done, with or without us.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are people who never hear about Jesus excused? Romans 1:18-20

One of the things that I hear the most from people when I say that Jesus is the only way to heaven is: "What about those who never hear about Jesus?" The implication is that those who never hear the gospel or never hear about the person of Christ are excused from God's condemnation. After all how could a fair and loving God condemn people who never had a chance to believe, because they never had the opportunity to hear? This is a very legitimate question that deserves a very clear and legitimate answer, and here it is in Romans 1:18-20.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

What this passage tells us is that God is angry with men and women who have suppressed the knowledge of Him that they already have. It is not a matter of what they haven't heard, but what they have already seen. Paul says that when people look at God's creation, that is the visible world, they are able to clearly see two attributes of God.

The first is God's "eternal power". This means that they can see that there is a Creator who is much more powerful than any mere mortal, who has created all that we see around us. Yes, I know that many people say they look at this world and see a natural, evolutionary process at work, not an all-powerful God. But according to this scripture, they are lying. Deep in their hearts they know that this world could not have just happened by chance. They are in fact "suppressing the truth".

This is also the case with the second attribute clearly seen in creation: God's "divine nature". People can see through God's creation that the Creator is not like you and me. He must be quite different. He is divine. He is God. His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). If man had created this world we would have done many things quite differently. We could never have dreamed up the multitude of different species or the incredible colors and designs. Anyone who looks at this world, even just a single living cell, and can't admit there is an intelligent designer, is not being honest. He or she is suppressing the truth. This reveals a conscious desire to not honor God as God or give thanks to Him for all he has done (v. 21). This suppression of truth leads people to then worship either creation or people, rather than the Creator (vs. 22-25) which is exactly where a lot of people are today.

The bottom line is that because of the willful suppression of the truth seen in creation, Paul says "they are without excuse".

The famous atheist Bertrand Russell when asked what he will say to God to explain his unbelief said, "Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence." However, this scripture clearly states that enough evidence to believe that God exists has been given to all of us. God is not going to accept any excuses for not believing in His existence.

Now someone could say at this point, "but that is still not addressing the issue of Jesus!" True, just because someone believes in God does not mean he or she believes in Christ. This is a separate and essential issue (see John 14:1). But here is the connection. Those who look at creation and recognize that there is a God, and ask Him to reveal more of who He is and what He expects of them, are rewarded with more revelation (see Jeremiah 29:13). Those who reject what truth they have been given, are not given more and will be justly condemned for suppressing the truth.

But the reality is that everyone in this age is being given the opportunity to hear about Jesus. That is the subject of my next post. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Do children and babies who die go to heaven? Mark 10:14

At the memorial service for the victims of the Oklahoma bombing some years ago, Billy Graham clearly stated that he believed the babies and young children who died were now in heaven. R.C. Sproul immediately spoke out against this as bad theology. All this forced me to go back to Scripture to see what it really teaches about children and heaven.

In Mark 10:14, Jesus told His disciples, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (NASV) The King James Version translates the last part of this verse this way  "...for of such is the kingdom of God."

The King James translation makes it seem as if Jesus is saying that some children are a part of God's kingdom, but some are not. The NASV, I believe after considerable research, is the best translation, and it clearly indicates that "children", meaning babies and young children, do belong to the kingdom of heaven.

What I believe Jesus is saying is that children and all those who "receive the kingdom of God like a child" i.e., with child-like trust in Jesus as Savior (v. 15) are going to be in heaven.

Therefore, I would agree with Billy Graham on this, and disagree with R.C. Sproul. Babies and young children who die are in heaven. I base this not on theological constructs or emotional bias but on the clear statement of our Lord when properly understood in context.

Now I realize this raises other significant questions, and I will attempt to answer them as best as possible.

First, does the Bible teach an "age of accountability"? No and yes. I do not believe that there is a particular age at which children become accountable. The Bible does not speak explicitedly an "age of accountability", let alone give us a specific age . But I believe that until a particular child is constitutionally able to make a decision about Jesus Christ, that child, though a sinner (see Psalm 51:5), has grace imputed to him or her by God based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the entire world (see post on II Corinthians 5:19). I do not believe that God will condemn a baby or small child that has no ability to interact with the truth about Jesus Christ. I base this on the belief that the true God is a fair God who gives every person in the world an opportunity to know the truth and believe (see my upcoming posts on Romans 1:18-20 and John 16:8-11).

This brings me to another crucial question, that is, how does my belief fit with unconditional election?

My answer is that God in eternity past unconditionally elected those He would save based on His good pleasure and absolutely no merit on the part of the recipient (see Ephesians 1:3-6). I believe that He elected all babies and small children who would die before they obtained the ability to believe in Christ. This is still unconditional election because it is not based on any merit on their part, rather the issue is lack of any ability to exercise saving faith. This belief reconciles nicely the truth that children belong to the kingdom of heaven, and that God also unconditionally chooses those who He will save.

So in the end, I agree with Billy Graham that babies and small children go to heaven when they die, and I also agree with R.C. Sproul that everyone is born a sinner and that God unconditionally elects those He will save. But most importantly I agree with Jesus and His Word.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why we don't get some things from God - James 4:2

"You do not have because you do not ask."

As a father of two boys, I understand this verse well from a dad's perspective. When my sons were growing up there were things that they asked for but I told them "no". These were things I knew were not good for them. Other things were good, but I didn't always give those good things to them until they asked. Why? I wanted, in some cases, to see whether or not they really wanted them, and in other cases just because I wanted them to ask me. I wanted them to come to me and ask so that I could show them that I love them, and that they can come to me for good things, and dad will deliver.

Now I am not saying that I am like God! Or worse, that God takes His cues from me! But I am simply saying what Jesus says in Matthew 7:11.

"If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him."

Human fathers give good things to their children, but sometimes not until they ask. Our heavenly Father does the same thing only much better. He gives us good gifts all the time. But there are some gifts that He waits to give until we ask. Why? Often it is because He simply wants us to come to Him. That is a good enough reason. But other times it is to help us to realize what is really important to us. He already knows, but He wants us to know too.

Now when God says "no", James tells us that it is because we are asking with "wrong motives" (4:3). We are asking for something to spend on our "pleasures". This either means it is something we desire that we don't need and isn't good for us, or it is something that could be good for us but our heavenly Father knows we are going to use it in a way that is sinful and bad for us. The answer in both of these cases will always be "no".

What I want to focus on though is not that God sometimes says "no", but that He wants to say "yes" to some of the things we desire. But He is not going to until we ask.

How many blessings and how many good gifts are we missing simply because we lack the faith to ask or we are too busy to ask? Clearly there must be some because God says "You do not have because you do not ask". Let's start asking!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

No Problem with Greatness - Mark 10:43-45

A lot of people think that being a Christian means that one cannot aspire to be great. That is something many believe would be unchristian. But interestingly enough, when the "sons of thunder", James and John, two of Christ's disciples asked for positions of greatness, Christ did not rebuke them. Rather He asked if they were willing to do what it takes to be great. When the other ten disciples became indignant with Jesus and John, Christ called all of the disciples together and told them if they wanted to be great, they would have to become the servant of the others. Then He added that if any one of them wanted to be first among the group, he had to be the slave of them all.

Christianity is not anti-greatness.But Christ taught that the way up is the way down. Few Christians ever figure this out, and if they do, most are not willing to pay the price, which is servanthood.

People who accomplish great things, financially, politically, artistically, in sports or in business, are usually praised and revered by some, but criticized and downgraded by others. However, when someone is a true servant of all, no one has anything bad to say. That person is respected and appreciated by everyone who knows them.

Yesterday we had a memorial service at our church for a man that was not great in any conventional or worldly sense of the word. He was not an ordinary man, but he certainly wasn't great by the world's standards. However, everyone who spoke about him referenced the fact that he was a true servant. And most also stated that he was a great man. This is not surprising. It is exactly what our Lord taught. If you want to be great, be a servant. If you want to be the greatest, be the servant of all.

We need more Christians aspiring to greatness, and we need more Christians willing to pay the price of servanthood. This is, in fact, one of the most Christ-like things we can do. There is no greater person in the history of the world than Jesus Christ, and He was also the greatest servant of all.

As the Scripture says, "...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."