"...with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." II Peter 3:8
Some people read this and conclude that God has no sense of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. God has a better sense of time than anyone in the universe. God understands what a second, minute and hour is, let alone days, weeks and years. But He is totally unaffected by time. God sees the past, present and future all at once. He lives in the ever present. He is timeless, but understands succession of time.
So what is the point of II Peter 3:8 since God is not affected by time? He doesn't feel any pressure from it. One day feels the same to Him as a thousand years or vice versa. So He never feels any urgency to do anything sooner than He wants to. He never feels any pressure to hurry things up. He decides the timing of everything in this universe and then He makes it happen when he alone is ready (see Ephesians 1:11).
So He will send His Son to bring human history to its proper conclusion not a second earlier or later than is best for His plans and purposes. God plans to save a certain number of people and when those people have repented, He will send His Son again. Hopefully this understanding helps you and me to be patient and trust His timing in all things.
It is amazing how Christians and unbelievers want to confine God to our reality. Gods word is not enough we have to shape it to our limited