Is Jesus the Only Way? Part I and Part II
I believe that the teaching of Jesus as the only way to heaven is and will be the most divisive and offensive spiritual issue in the twenty-first century.
People all over the world like and admire Jesus. The Muslims call Him a prophet and say that He will return someday to help establish Islam as the world religion. Many Jews reject Him as the Messiah but see Him as a great teacher. A lot of people of faith today would even grant you that Jesus is a way to heaven and/or God. Many would not have a problem with calling Him "God", after all, they say "we're all gods!" But when someone says Jesus is the only way to heaven, that's when a lot of people take serious offense. This teaching is considered to be the height of spiritual bigotry and the most arrogant of all spiritual claims. It is the one spiritual issue that offends almost everybody, except the minority of evangelical Christians who still hold it to be absolutely true. I say "minority" of evangelical Christians because according to recent surveys and studies, including one by George Barna, less than half of all evangelicals still hold strongly to the belief that Christ is the only way to heaven. Most Christians today in America are like our current president who claims that Christ is his Savior, but that there are many paths to heaven. Our president dismisses John 14:6 as just one "particular verse" which is open to various interpretations. But as I have already demonstrated in Part I, if words and context mean anything, there can only be one interpretation of John 14:6, and there are other verses like Acts 4:12 and I John 5:12 that show clearly that Jesus is the only way.
The bottom line is that John 14:6 is the issue that divides people of faith and it is also beginning to divide evangelical Christians, and the future is even more a concern.
I believe that when the Antichrist is revealed, at a certain point he will create a "super church" of religious and spiritual people from all over the earth. This "super church" will include "Christians", but these "Christians" will be the ones who deny that Christ is the only way of salvation. This will be the key issue. Just about every other belief concerning Christ is acceptable to a greater or lesser extent, but this teaching cannot be tolerated at all and will determine who can be a part of the "super church" and who will be persecuted as an intolerant fanatic.
Every one needs to carefully examine this issue and come to a firm conviction about it because the stakes are incredibly high. The implications connected with John 14:6 are enormous. The teaching of Christ being the only way of salvation is the most important spiritual issue today, and I would say, of all time.
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